Monday, November 19, 2012

The Beginning of the Finishing Touches

As we moved into the middle of November we are hearing from Rob and Ed Lucchetta that the finishing work has begun, at this point you cannot make promises as to when things will be done, but it will be sooner then later.  

Yet, as we look around the house there seems to be a lot to be done.  Yes we have a house, with walls, electricity, stairs, plumbing, bath tub, showers, and some exterior finish completed - yet there still is much, much more to be finished like painting, the rest of the exterior, carpets, trim work.  However, it appears that our new home is in the final stages of work - that is the finishing stage.

So over the next few weeks there maybe a few more posts than usual as we hope to share the finish touches of our house with you.

Last week, and into this week we saw tile being laid in the kitchen, laundry room, and mud room.  

As well, the nosing has been completed in our stairwells and the electrician has returned with the completion of the dry wall.  As well, we have heard that the Hardee Plank will arrive this week and so the exterior of our home should be done in the coming weeks.  Along with this come the fascia, evastroughs and other exterior aspects.

During this coming week all tiling should be completed in anticipation of painting and the beginning of the trim work.

What is trim work - well we could say stay tuned - but trim work is shelving, base boards, completing the pocket doors and regular doors.  It is much of the finishing work that will done and the jobs that make the house "look really nice".  

To be honest, the house is looking pretty good and will look even better as the carpenters, flooring experts and exterior workers.  So stayed tuned.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Little Dry Wall Please

When watching a house being built, a house really and truly begins to look like a  house when:

a. the exterior - that is the brick and siding - is put up
b. the stairs and windows are installed
c. the drywall is put up and the mud/taping is applied

This past week we have seen a house full of dry wall,

followed by taping,

and a 1st coat of mud, some sanding, a second coat of mud, some more sanding, and in some places a third coat of mud (however it is hard to tell as we are not experts in this area).

Drywalling is an important stage in a house, you can really see how the house is going to look as a final product.  Prior to this you had the studs, wiring, plumbing and all of that is important.

However, the walls gives one a glimpse as to what the final product is going to look like.  At this point you can see the walls, where the lights will go, how the light comes through the window and you start to get the overall look of the house.

With drywall being completed this week we are anticipating:
- painting starting soon after
- installing of tile in the kitchen and entry way
- finalizing of the various utilities and their hook ups, as seen by the electrical below

This is really the beginning of the end -- that is the start of the final or finishing work which will also include the installation of carpet, any final carpentry, installation of the light fixtures and similar jobs.

Our hope was to be in our new house by Christmas....we keep hoping...but don't actually look forward to the moving part.